About Us
At 17acklen, we've been at work building custom web sites and data solutions for over 10 years. We specialize in custom web and data solutions and we offer green hosting as well.
Our clients range from small businesses to enterprise level international companies. We've worked with clients in many industries including banking, construction, social media & marketing, healthcare, real estate, boutique shops, media of various forms and many more.
We aren't just a one trick pony that churns out cookie cutter websites or default data reporting. Our skill set covers many technologies, languages, and formats. Programming languages including PHP, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Racket, and more ... Database architectures including SQL, MySQL, Transact-SQL, Pervasive, Postgres, SQLite, Mongo & other NoSQL DBs, flat file, MSSQL & MS Access and more ... We've developed in various frameworks and CMS systems like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Typo3, Django, CakePHP and others. In short, if you have it, want it or need it, we've probably done it.